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The best free and paid SEO tools

The best free and paid SEO tools (+50 tools to generate results)

The best free and paid SEO tools (+50 tools to generate results)

The best free and paid SEO tools (+50 tools to generate results)[/caption] SEO tools are one of the indispensable basics in learning and applying SEO for various websites. Therefore, we thought about writing this comprehensive guide that deals with the most important free and paid SEO tools, many of which we use in Gainers, and we think that you should also use them.  

Now start reading the article and get ready for the amazing results that these tools will help you achieve.

  First, comprehensive SEO tools If you want to read only one part of this article, it should be this, since in it we are dealing with large, comprehensive tools that contain dozens-and sometimes hundreds - of small ones.   These tools allow you to perform various SEO tasks... from keyword research to technical SEO.  

  1. Ahrefs tool: 

I would like to start with my favorite option in comprehensive SEO tools, namely Ahrefs, which I think is the best on the internet. Which, although it is paid-it includes free tools, most of them are paid-but it is worth every cent you pay for it, as it helps you in the:   keyword research. Analyze the performance of your site pages and compare them with the pages of competing sites. Analyze the back-links of your site or your competitors ' sites. Examine your site and discover technical problems in it, and sometimes give you tips to fix them. Analyze your content and discover the Points you are missing or the Content Gaps. Constantly monitor the performance of your site on Google. And dozens of other things are possible via a very large set of tools. 
  1. SEMRush tool:

one of the most powerful comprehensive SEO tools on the internet
The second tool on our list should have been SEMRush, which is the strongest and largest competitor of Ahrefs, and let me assure you that this competition is not in vain. The tool is indispensable in search engine optimization and content marketing because it provides powerful tools that help you:
  • Discover and search millions of keywords.
  • Analyze your site, whether in terms of technology, content, or back-Linux.
  • Study and analyze your site's visitors.
  • Schedule and analyze your social media.
  • Doing PPC advertising campaigns.
  • That's why millions of e-marketers and SEO specialists around the world have trusted this tool.
  The tool is also paid, but it offers a trial period of 7 days, so you can try it before you subscribe to it, unlike Ahrefs, which does not provide any trial period. Note: most of the time when SEO specialists want to subscribe to a comprehensive paid SEO tool, they prefer between Ahrefs and SEMRush.

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  1. Moz tool:

  2. one of the first comprehensive tools on the internet
The Moz tool is one of the most famous paid SEO tools on the internet, which like the previous two tools you can use to:  
  • Analyze and improve the technical performance of your site.
  • Search keywords.
  • Analyze your Linux backend.
  • Analyze competitors, and identify their weaknesses and strengths.
  • Despite the fact that the tool is popular and established in the field, I advise you if you want to subscribe to a tool to choose one of the two previous ones.
  But nevertheless, you can take advantage of the free tools of the Moz platform, such as: A MozBar bar that enables you to see SEO metrics while browsing the site, and show how efficient keywords are and how difficult it is to get a ranking in search engines using them.  
  1. Google SEO tools: 

Let's be realistic, at first it may be difficult for you to subscribe to a tool whose monthly subscription is 99 dollars, so how do you do SEO   The answer is quite simple: the many Google tools that provide you with powerful, respected, and at the same time free services.  

There are important tools, such as:


Google Search Console tool:

analyze your site and its performance on Google in addition to helping you solve various technical problems.

Google Keyword Planner tool:

Find out the search volume on keywords in addition to many other useful things in keyword research.

Google Trends tool:

Find out the popularity of a topic or keyword, and how popular it is growing.

Google Analytics tool:

analyze traffic and the rest of your site data.

PageSpeed Insights tool:

Check the loading speed of your site on various devices.

Google Alerts tool:

keeping you informed every time your brand is mentioned on the internet.

Mobile-Friendly Test Tool:

compatibility of your site with mobile phones.

Google Business Profile Manager tool:

one of the very important tools in local SEO. And many other important tools.   And imagine that there are a lot of SEO specialists who still use it despite their ability to subscribe to paid tools.  

Second, keyword research tools

Keyword research is one of the most important parts of search engine optimization that concerns the content writer, website owner, and SEO specialist, and I present to you its most important tools:  
  1. The Ubersuggest tool

One of the most important and Best SEO tools specialized in keyword research is Ubersuggest, which it helps you reach the best possible keyword.   They also provide a lot of information about the words you are looking for, such as competition, geographical search volume, revenue per click, and others.   The tool is paid, but you can do 3 searches a day for free, and in general, the tool is worth a try, especially if you are a content writer.  
  1. The KWFinder tool

This tool is one of the best SEO and keyword search tools that you can use, it is:   Easy to use and simple. Powerful and provides many important features. It has a very distinctive interface. It provides you with a wide range of services related to the keyword, starting from searching for it and identifying it through the correct path to it, and also nominating it for keyword ideas that will help you to lead.   And going through the determination of whether it is appropriate to be short or long by means of analyses that you do to find out which of them is more competitive and which of them is less.   The tool also performs some side tasks besides this, such as analyzing competitors and determining the ranking of the website in search engines.  
  1. The SpyFu tool

The tool has many additional features that it offers, besides keyword search, it provides the ability to search inside competitors ' sites, analyze them, and find out the best-performing keywords on their sites.   It also filters out various popular keywords that your competitors don't use, so it's an important tool to keep in mind.   If you want to learn more about SEO tools and get to know better about keyword research, you should read our lesson about keywords.   Third, internal SEO tools and content Internal SEO is one of the most important aspects of SEO, and it is the most important for content writers, because they are able to control its various parts, and one of its most important tools:  
  1. The Yoast SEO tool

Yost is one of the tools that we love and use in winning, and we even consider her a partner in every success we reach.   It is one of the most powerful tools that blogs like us - use in internal search engine optimization as well as some parts of SEO.   After linking to your WordPress, it evaluates the relevance of your content and page to your keyword and provides you with some pointers and tips that will help you top the search engines.   The tool has two versions, one free and the other paid, which contain full features, and we definitely recommend you buy paid if you can.  
  1. The Rank Math tool

Rankmate is one of the powerful SEO tools, which rivals Yost in strength and prevalence among blog owners and SEO specialists.   It is similar in its functions to the Yost tool that we talked about above, which helps you in internal SEO and technical SEO in order to top search results.   The tool also has two free and paid versions, and the paid version has a number of price packages that you can choose from.  
  1. The Answer is the Public tool

This tool is one of the very funny SEO tools that help content writers-whatever their specialty - at the stages of research and writing.   It provides you with a lot of new topics and ideas for writing according to the keywords you enter for it.   You suggest new topics and ideas for writing on your site, so based on the keyword you enter, this tool gives you some ideas with a high search percentage.   Unfortunately, the tool is paid, but it allows you to search a number of times a day for free, I advise you to use those free times as much as possible and you will see their effect on your content.  
  1. The Copyscape tool

Google does not like duplicate content, and it will punish you if you repeat the content of other sites or even if you repeat parts of the content through your site.   Therefore, you should always make sure that your content is unique and useful, and here comes the role of this wonderful tool that detects Plagiarism plagiarism.   If you are the owner of a website-specifically a blog - or an editor in one, the Copyscape tool will be of great help to you in your work.   The utility is paid, but in fact, its cost is thousands of times lower than the consequences of using copied content on the pages of your site.   Fourth, external SEO tools External SEO and link-building tools are a very special case among SEO tools, the most important of which is within the scope of the comprehensive SEO tools we talked about.   Even simple free tools that enable you to analyze or get back Linux are the majority and the most important of these comprehensive tools, such as my favorites, including the Backlink Checker Tool from Ahrefs.   And all I advise you in case you want to build links professionally is to subscribe to one of these universal tools.   But despite this, there are a number of other tools that may help you get back to Linux and increase the traffic of your site:  
  1. The Haro tool (Help A Reporter Out)

Haro is one of the very powerful SEO tools and I was surprised when I found out that something like it already exists, the tool helps you as a website owner or SEO specialist - to get a backlink from large and powerful sites, such as the New York Times, The Washington Post and others.   This is done by answering the questions of journalists or correspondents who are looking for experts in certain fields to form sources of their information.   In exchange for this information and experience, sources often get a Linux package from the article, study, or research page.   The Haro tool has helped tens of thousands of small websites to get those powerful Backlinks that are a big boost for any small or medium site.  
  1. The Hunter tool

If you have done link building before, you will realize how important and difficult it is to get the email of the responsible person with whom you should communicate.   And here comes the role of our hunter tool, which helps you access the emails of the entity, site, or organization you want to access, through their domain.  
  1. The JustReachOut tool

Public relations or PR is a very important part of any marketing process even if it is electronic-and therefore is important in the field of SEO.   Unfortunately, public relations requires a lot of effort and money that may not be available to entities with limited budgets, and therein lies the benefit of this tool.   The JustReachOut tool helps you reach important influencers or journalists in your niche, and develop that communication process to help you achieve your goals.   The tool is paid, but in some areas, it is worth its weight in gold, so if you need it feel free to subscribe to it, it is one of the best SEO tools.   Note: there is another similar tool that you can use called PitchBox.  
  1. technical SEO tools
Technical SEO is one of the most important and complex aspects of SEO, which, as we talked about in the technical SEO lesson, must be taken care of to ensure the appearance of your great content.   The most important technical SEO tools you will find in comprehensive tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush in addition to the wonderful and powerful tools provided by Google, the most important of which we discussed above as Google Search Console and PageSpeed Insights.   But there is a set of other useful tools that are worth mentioning, such as:  
  1. The GTmetrix tool

The GTmetrix tool is one of my favorite SEO tools, which I always use when analyzing the loading speed of a site.   The tool is very powerful and distinctive because it shows you the general status of your site or your client's site, and offers you dozens of criteria and indicators of site performance.   In addition to providing you with problems specific to your site and a set of important tips that will help you solve them.   GTmetrix has a free version as well as a set of paid subscriptions that suit the different needs of webmasters or those working in programming and SEO.  
  1. The Screaming Frog tool

The Screaming Frog tool is one of the most important and famous technical SEO tools that helps webmasters around the world to detect and fix technical problems on their sites.   I know dozens of professional SEO specialists who use it almost daily for their clients because of its great power and efficiency.   The tool also has two versions, one free and the other paid, and I advise you if you need it to subscribe to it, because the paid version contains dozens of other great features that will help your site in general.   Sixth, more SEO tools that are worth mentioning There are many other SEO tools that we haven't had time to talk about in detail, but they may help you improve your site:  
  1. Wayback Machine Tool:

This helps you know the previous look of pages and sites, and you can use it to understand the changes made by your competitors and help them improve their results.  
  1. AlsoAsked tool:

provides you with questions that people ask on the internet about a keyword.  
  1. Local SERP Checker Tool:

an important tool in local SEO, helps you see search engine results from anywhere in the world you choose.  
  1. Check My Links tool:

helps you detect broken Broken Links on your site.  
  1. LSI Graph tool:

helps you improve your content in many ways.  
  1. Cloudflare tool:

the most widely used content distribution network on the internet, so it is one of the most important SEO tools.  
  1. Website Grader tool:

a tool from HubSpot that evaluates the performance and security of your site and its compatibility with mobile phones.  
  1. Sitechecker tool:

helps you evaluate your Site Audit technically and in terms of content, and gives you tips to improve it.  
  1. Website Penalty Checker tool:

helps you find out if your site is penalized by Google for one reason or another.  
  1. Txt Generator tool:

a tool that helps you create a robot file.your site's text.  
  1. Hreflang Tag Generator tool:

a tool that helps you create your own Hreflang tags for different languages and geographical regions supported by your site.  
  1. View Rendered Source tool:

helps you see how the browser handles your site and its pages.  
  1. Siteliner tool:

enables you to make a full report of your location.  
  1. Animalz Revive tool:

helps you discover old content on your site that is starting to lose your traffic.  
  1. Exploding Topics tool:

helps you discover new trends, and take advantage of their traffic.  
  1. CanIRank tool:

tells you that the search results for a keyword can be issued.  
  1. TinyPng tool:

my favorite tool for minimizing images during the optimization process, and I can say that it is one of the best SEO tools.  
  1. ShortPixel tool:

one of the most popular image miniaturization tools on the internet.  
  1. Wordtracker Scout tool:

enables you to identify the keywords used by competing sites.  
  1. Penguin Tool:

helps you understand whether the decrease in traffic of your site is due to a penalty from Google or not.  
  1. Separator tool:

allows you to see search engine results pages from several places and devices.  
  1. Detailed tool:

helps you spy on your competitors.  
  1. BROWSE tool:

helps you see your site as search engines see it.  
  1. Seed Keywords tool:

helps you discover new ideas and keywords for your site.  
  1. XML sitemaps tool:

helps you create your sitemap sitemap sitemap.  
  1. SimilarWeb tool:

helps you find out a lot of information about any domain, and it is one of the very important SEO tools.  
  1. Tool

needless to define.  
  1. Schema Markup Generator tool:

if you know the importance of schema you will appreciate this tool.  
  1. Bing Webmaster Tools Keyword Research tool:

keyword search tool from the Bing search engine.  
  1. Keyworddit tool:

helps you search keywords through the content of the popular site Reddit.  
  1. Long Tail Pro Tool:

Helps you access the best long-tail keywords during your keyword search process.  
  1. Keyword Surfer tool:

an add-on to the Chrome browser that helps you in keyword searches.  
  1. Tool

a powerful keyword search tool supported by several search engines and social media platforms.  
  1. The Search tool

helps you to know the search volume on keywords.  


  SEO tools are the right arm of every website owner and SEO specialist, but fortunately and unfortunately their number is very large.   This is to such an extent that it makes it impossible for anyone to try them or even know them all, although they may take their site or their client's site to another level.   Here it is our turn to research, experiment, and transfer to you our long knowledge of SEO tools coming from more than 7 years of experience in this field.

About the writer



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